Fertility Treatment in Israel

Fertility Treatment

Fertility Treatment in Israel, Fertility Clinic in Israel, Fertility Center, Centre in Israel, Fertility Treatment Specialist Doctors in Israel. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the technology used to achieve pregnancy using different techniques and procedures over the couples who are having difficulties in achieving the same results using the natural methods of producing babies.

Procedures such as fertility medication, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and surrogacy are some of the treatments that are carried forward to cure infertility and these treatments come under the name of Fertility Treatment. ART is also used by the couples that are having some communicable disease for example AIDS. To prevent the disease, many couples go through the assisted reproductive technology that allows artificial ways to get pregnant and give birth to their own baby.

Before going through and deciding which treatment to choose, couple has to undergo from the fertility evaluation. Under fertility evaluation, we look upon the history of sexual relationship between the couple and then we go for physical tests. Once all the tests are performed and results are out, we evaluate the same to look upon the delay of the pregnancy. Once we have all the reports regarding the same, we consult with our team and decide upon the treatment that the couple should undergo to get the desired output.

In males generally the semen is tested. The analysis of the sperm count and sperm motility takes place. A normal semen analysis generally rules out 99% of the male cases of infertility. If any kind of discontinuity is found in the semen, we go through indepth analysis of the semen to get the proper image of the failure of pregnancy.

In females generally the problem may occur in one of the parts; uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or hormones. During one menstrual cycle all the required test are carried forward and then begins the analysis to know the reason of infertility. Once the doctors are satisfied with the results, they offer different treatments for the same and try to cure the problem of pregnancy within next few months of the tests.

At our facility we try to keep the stepwise testing as we don't want to do unnecessary testing just to increase the overall costing. We keep in view that the overall treatment should be in budget and should be effective as well. We have all the latest knowledge of the field and offer every bit of it to our patients. We keep track over the revolutionary changes that are coming in the way of fertility treatment and keep ourselves updated.

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