Male Infertility Treatment in Tanzania

Male Infertility

Male Infertility Treatment in Tanzania, Male Infertility Clinics in Tanzania, Infertility Specialist Doctor for Male in Tanzania, Male Infertility Treatment Center in Tanzania.

What are common causes of infertility in men?
One of the most common causes of infertility in men are semen disorders. The semen comprises a milky white fluid and sperms that are ejaculated during orgasm. Abnormal semen contributes to over 75% cases of male infertility. The common semen related disorders include:

i. No sperm presence in semen
ii. Low sperm mobility
iii. Abnormal sperm shape/size
iv. Low sperm concentration (under 10 million/milliliter) in the semen (Ideal: 20 million/milliliter of semen)

The major causes of these abnormalities and a consequent infertility in men are:
1. Ejaculation Disorders
2. Frequent use of saunas, hot baths etc. that lead to overheating of testicles.
3. Testicular infections
4. Testosterone deficiency
5. Deformed or undescended testicles that usually happens as a birth defect or abnormal fetal development.
6. Genetic disorders like Klinefelter's syndrome that lead to abnormally developed testicles.
7. Very frequent intake of medications like Sulfasalazine, Anabolic steroids (frequently taken by athletes), etc. or exposure to chemotherapy/radiation.
8. Conditions like hypospadias (a condition where the urethral opening is not at the tip of the penis but at its underside) or cystic fibrosis.

Undergoing infertility treatment needs you to first prepare mentally, emotionally and physically. Once you have prepared yourself to go for infertility treatment, make sure that no second thought is persisting in your mind. At the beginning many tests will get conducted on both the partners, mainly blood test and semen tests. Analysis will be carried forward to look after the second stage of testing. Generally in the first round of testing, we look at the root of the problem and once the root is known we go for further testing.

In women generally the focus is on menstrual cycle. Tests and observation continues for a while and once all the reporting is done, doctors look upon the history of the couple as well.Because sometimes the problem is genetic and hence should also be considered. In males, the problem with sperm motility could be a genetic. Once all the reporting is done regarding the questions of hindrance with the pregnancy, doctors start to think upon the required treatment for the ailment of the condition. Our doctor first starts with fertility drugs as we don't want to start surgeries and other treatments initially.

On the basis of results gathered the drugs are prescribed. If the medication doesn't give the desired results then, we go for treatments like IUI, IVF and ICSI that are pretty effective with their results. Even before prescribing these treatments, doctors do make sure that the natural conception is possible or not. If the problem can be cured by simple minor surgeries of uterus and ovary, then the treatments are overruled.

Stepwise treatment is necessary and that can only be suggested by an expert in the field. In our facility we have given smiles to many couples by fulfilling their wish of having their own babies and hence are having a great experience in the field. Come to us and be assured that we'll be taking great care and would work for the happiness of yours with all our heart.

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